Pompeii is a Roman town frozen in time, thanks to a devastating eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Explore houses from modest to majestic; see Roman shops, baths and brothels;

or apply your high-school Latin to the graffiti that's still visible on some of the walls. End your visit at the Villa of the Mysteries, and try to interpret its amazing, bizarre frescoes-scholars have debated their meaning for years.


All of our vehicles are immaculately maintained, clean, non smoking Mercedes.

They have double air conditioning and plenty of leg room and luggage space.

All are fully insured and public licenced vehicles Our drivers speak excellent English and guarantee a smooth, safe drive.


by Roger ad Lisa 19-04-2013 15:06

Pasquale was 100% efficient in his time keeping and in making the trips (down the Amalfi coast and to Paestum) as entertaining and fact filled as possible. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with him and hope to be lead on a tour by him again in the future. We would definitely recommend him to all of... read more »

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